
UHEF & Uni News


Apr, 2018

Thanks to our January, February and March contributors!

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[Posted April 20, 2018] The mission of the Uni Hi Education Foundation is to raise funds for the continued support of Uni’s academic, athletic and performing arts programs. Created in 1985 to counter the effects on Uni of budget cuts across the L.A. Unified School District, more than $1 million has been raised to assist faculty and students. Anyone can contribute: 103-year-old Hal Cunningham, who attended the school when it was known as Warren G. Harding High, joined the ranks of donors in 2014 and helped out again in 2015! […]



Apr, 2018

New ticket pre-sale record for “Grease!” opening Wednesday!

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[Posted April 15, 2018] It’s amazing. Grease! may not be the greatest musical ever staged, but there is a special magic to this show which makes it a favorite for students, parents, alumni and friends. With Uni’s first show – the Student Preview Performance – coming up on Wednesday, Grease! has set a new record for pre-show online sales through the BrownPaperTickets.com portal, outselling every other show offered during the past three years. You can reserve your tickets now for any of the four shows here: Apr. 18: 3:30 p.m. […]



Apr, 2018

Want to make a difference for Uni? The UHEF is looking for you!

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[Posted April 2, 2018] Now in its 33rd year, the Uni Hi Education Foundation is looking to expand and invigorate its operations heading into the 2018-19 academic year, as Uni changes its status to become an Affiliated Charter school within the Los Angeles Unified School District. That means YOU have the opportunity to join the Foundation and help support Uni during this transitional period and join others who have helped join alumni together, raise money and provide programs and services which are not available from the District. The UHEF has […]



Feb, 2018

Meet the Cast: “Grease” Opens on April 18

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[Posted February 25, 2018] The cast of Uni’s upcoming production of Grease is set and the show is being widely anticipated on campus. No wonder: it’s one of the most popular musicals in production across the country. Although originally written in Chicago in 1971, with specific ethnic references to that city, it is best known from Paramount’s 1978 film that starred John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John as Danny Zuko and Sandy Olsson (Sandy Dumbrowski in the musical) in their senior years at fictional Rydell High School. The Uni cast: Eugene […]



Jan, 2018

Thanks to our October, November and December contributors!

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[Posted January 10, 2018] The mission of the Uni Hi Education Foundation is to raise funds for the continued support of Uni’s academic, athletic and performing arts programs. Created in 1985 to counter the effects on Uni of budget cuts across the L.A. Unified School District, more than $1 million has been raised to assist faculty and students. Anyone can contribute: 103-year-old Hal Cunningham, who attended the school when it was known as Warren G. Harding High, joined the ranks of donors in 2014 and helped out again in 2015! […]



Dec, 2017

Keep ‘em coming: More than 300 books donated to the Uni library!

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[Posted December 20, 2017] Through the marvelous generosity of Uni alumni, more than 300 new books have been provided to the Uni library … and you can join in! Some 312 books have now been received by the library, from 27 donors who have self-identified and many more who wish to remain anonymous. We now have donors from the 1940s, ‘50s, ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s: Michael Alcalay ‘80 Geraldine Armstrong ‘59 Connor Gilmore 2022 Jeff Deckman ‘76 Ivan Finkle ‘50 Barbara Wong Franklin ‘68 Sukey (Roth) Garcetti ‘57 Kelly Gilmore […]



Dec, 2017

Excitement for “Grease” building toward April 18 opening

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[Posted December 15, 2017] There are shows and then there are shows! Uni’s production of Grease is being widely anticipated on campus, as one of the most popular musicals in production across the country. Although originally written in Chicago in 1971, with specific ethnic references to that city, it is best known from Paramount’s 1978 film that starred John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John as Danny Zuko and Sandy Olsson in their senior years at fictional Rydell High School. Uni’s Director of Theatre Arts, Ronnie Sperling ‘76 has a special connection […]



Nov, 2017

More than two dozen alumni presented at Uni Career Day

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[Posted November 3, 2017] A remarkable 25 Uni alumni came back to campus on October 26 to share their life experiences with today’s students. The returning alumni included, but were not limited to: Tamar Asken (Class unknown) Ricc Bieber ‘70 Tina Davis ‘85 Jeri Gaile (Class unknown) Mark Greenblat ‘85 Larry Jacobson ‘74 Ron Kato ‘75 Sam Helmi ‘86 Susan Igdaloff ‘66 Jacky Holler, 1978 Hector Lerma, Sr. (Class unknown) Howard Lesner W ‘69 Steven Lowy ‘69 Elizabeth McGhee ‘03 Mark Pariser ‘88 Mario Sanchez (Class unknown) Andrew Santos ‘02 […]



Aug, 2017

Uni Principal Eric Davidson: Our Students Need Your Help

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[Posted August 15, 2017] As the 2017-18 school year begins, Uni principal Eric Davidson spoke for the entire faculty and staff at Uni with this short commentary on what Uni and its students face in today’s educational and societal environment as we begin the school year: “The youth of today are in survival mode. The competition is greater than it has ever been and society has been giving trophies to everyone who participates for far too long. It’s not enough to participate anymore and we have to make sure we […]



Jun, 2017

Commencement remarks from Uni Principal Eric Davidson

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[Posted June 15, 2017] Uni principal Eric Davidson delivered two addresses to the Class of 2017, one for the seniors only and public remarks at the Commencement Ceremonies in Kampmann Stadium on June 9. He was kind enough to share both with us: To the graduating seniors: “Good afternoon. To the parents of our graduating seniors, congratulations for surviving the uncertainties, anxieties, and chaos of being the parent of a teenager. To the families of the class of 2017, I hope you are as proud of the accomplishments to come […]