Jan, 2018
Thanks to our October, November and December contributors!
[Posted January 10, 2018] The mission of the Uni Hi Education Foundation is to raise funds for the continued support of Uni’s academic, athletic and performing arts programs.
Created in 1985 to counter the effects on Uni of budget cuts across the L.A. Unified School District, more than $1 million has been raised to assist faculty and students. Anyone can contribute: 103-year-old Hal Cunningham, who attended the school when it was known as Warren G. Harding High, joined the ranks of donors in 2014 and helped out again in 2015!
We salute and thank our 203 contributors from the fourth quarter of 2018: you are making a difference for Uni! By decade, our contributors were from the 1940s (32), 1950s (74), 1960s (51), 1970s (21), 1980s (11) and 1990s (2), plus 12 from individuals and families were not themselves alumni.
Contributors are listed by class, in alphabetical order of family names:
Richard H. Davis ’44
Grover Heyler W ’44
Robert W Quick ’44
Jerry Zucker W ’44
Mary Ellen Brininger Blanton ’45
William & Grace Moremen ’45/’48
Joan LaVoie Olin W ’45
H. Ralph Snyder W ’45
Barbara Van Horn Cox ’46
Rod Hatch W ’46
Thomas E. Kendall ’46
Donald & Barbara Vatcher ’46/’48
Robert Zukin W ’46
Diane Falconer Cunningham ’47
Ajor-Helyn Schmidt Johnson ’47
Rodger & Nancy Karrenbrock ’47/’48
Donald E. Landon W ’47
Joan Leib Marks ’47
Lloyd Morrisett ’47
Audrey V. Peterson ’47
Bea J. Carpenter ’48
(In memory of her brother, Manual “Mel” Samaniego, Jr. ’50)
Nancy Baron Garcia ’48
Richard E. Leonard W ’48
Joyce Palmer Mohun ’48
Gerrit Ohl ’48
Alan W. DeSilva ’49
Marjorie Redman Downie W ’49
Velia Rodriguez Herrera W ’49
Shirley Littrell Myers W ’49
Tad Taube W ’49
Richard C. Wulliger ’49
Janice Fendler Bove W ’50
Joe F. Corona W ’50
Ivan L. Finkle ’50
Alan Irwin Indictor ’50
John L. Petty W ’50
Janet Sellman Scarrow ’50
John P. Schaefer ’50
Richard M. Stone W ’50
Edgar L. Zwieback ’50
Barbara Homan Attinello ’51
Suzonne Blumberg Bass ’51
Ronald H. Ehl W ’51
Violet Cassell Jurgenson ’51
Richard Lamoureux ’51
Leo & Dale Larsen ’51/’52
Jeanne Congdon Leonard ’51
David H. Olson ’51
Marvin E. Tanner ’51
Barbara McDermott Weymann W ’51
Jerry Lawrence ’52
Judith Sacks Maizlish ’52
Michael Perrett W ’52
Janice Judd Petereit ’52
Natalie Fischer Rosentswieg ’52
Herb Steege ’52
Joanna Tanner Ballard W ’53
Edward Booth ’53
David R. Delgado ’53
Edith Ann Dutton ’53
Robert Graham ’53
Robert Jones ’53
Richard H. Keagy ’53
James P. Kenney ’53
Adrian M. Cole ’54
Ronald Coons ’54
Rudolf Koester W ’54
Donald W. Leonard ’54
David Vener ’54
Dennis Aigner ’55
John P. Fleischer ’55
Dave Freeman ’55
Norman Gausman ’55
Albert Gunby ’55
Lloyd Hurst Jr. W ’55
Norm Sakamoto W ’55
Dean V. Ambrose ’56
Marsha Cohen W ’56
Loring Dales W ’56
Richard L. Greene ’56
Barbara Sherwin Kabot ’56
Laurel Borgquist Leavitt ’56
Barbara Bomse Lewis ’56
Carolyn Willis Vena ’56
Roger A. Wagner ’56
Richard Wollmer ’56
Judy Jones Cardwell ’57
Joyce Shanks Cates W ’57
Carlos E. Cornejo ’57
Louise & Carl Gutermann W’ 59/W ’57
Sandra Brentan James ’57
John Quist ’57
Peggy Leveson Redler ’57
Nancy Stearns Forgrave ’58
John Hellestoe ’58
Linda Alexander Kiple ’58
Walter and Silvia La May ’58
Yoko Kurokawa Tomita W ’58
Martin Blank Jr. ’59
Kay Mader Bloore ’59
Patricia Andrews Campbell ’59
Natalie Hall ’59
Lynn Roseman Ostrick ’59
Linda Brown Poepoe ’59
Michael R. Smith W ’59
Binnie Neel Alwine ’60
Roger Baron ’60
Jeanine Wagner Herman ’60
Michael R. Menkin ’60
Michael Rothschild ’60
Jean Aigner W ’61
Peter Dane ’61
Darlene Thomas Draper ’61
Samual & Rita Hathorn W ’61/’61
Diane Ledeboer Hunter ’61
William Krauch W ’61
Barbara Kohn Matthews W ’61
Robert Rothenberg W ’61
Ralph Staudenmayer W ’61
J. David Willson ’61
Lorna Graham Byrne W ’62
Steven & Bonnie Freer ’62
Nikki H. Harmon ’62
Jean Evers Kent ’62
Glenn E. Stahl ’62
Diane Roseman Cherniss ’63
Robert Collins ’63
Marc & Barbara Glucksman W ’63/’65
Steven J. Gould ’63
Joanna Johnson ’63
William Beck ’64
Sandra Brody Kurtzig ’64
Nikki Krauch Lee ’64
Steve Manildi W ’64
Ruth Albert Roberts ’64
Marc Rosen ’64
Bret Davenport ’65
William Jacobus ’65
Judy Kleinberg ’65
Carol G. Novak ’65
Phillip Gottlieb ’66
Andrew G. Kadar ’66
Kenneth Roos W ’66
Robert J. Williamson ’66
Bruce Winston W ’66
Madge Stein Woods ’66
Melinda Tonks Brown W ’67
Peter Fels ’67
Daphne Ezralow Noily ’67
Barry Woods ’67
Ron A. Geller ’68
Kathie Brown Marion ’68
Sandra Salka Milken W ’68
Kim C. Cranston ’69
Neil Fradkin ’69
Joel Singer W ’69
Steven Slaff ’70
Jeffrey J. Berchin ’73
Ron Glick ’73
Robert Bessin ’74
Sharon Galamba ’74
Scott Harris ’74
Nancy Kagawa ’74
Grant Riley ’74
Roosevelt Robinson III ’74
James Rothman ’74
Doug Walter ’74
Ken and Angela Ashton ’75
Jennifer Fante ’75
Bonnie Geller Aylesworth ’76
Jeffrey Deckman ’76
Laurie Shkolnick Denning ’76
John Levin ’76
Richard J. Ostiller ’76
Jon C. Ades ’78
Barbara L. Mark ’78
Zizi Michele Fouquet Howell ’79
William Glasser ’81
Mark Manton ’81
Mark & Traci Feldman ’83/’85
Linda Tom Hoo ’83
Roger Schrag ’83
Joyce Jackson Stout ’85
Cathy Ostiller ’87
Paul Soroudi ’87
Stephen Treiman ’87
Janet Siegel Brown ’88
Ken N. Schwartz ’89
Michael Green ’91
Sharona Shenassa ’91
Uni supporters who were not alumni:
Kelly and Ed Barton
Sandra Brown
Corey Carr
Janine and Jordan Gershon and Friedberg
Angela and Chris Hewett
Anabella and Luis Daniel Poncio Ixcot
Carol Hammock Lewis
Jay and Maria Manning
Nedra and Kenneth May
James C. Nichols
Judith Wolfenstein
Sandee Yamamoto
Thank you.
Any amount is helpful; find out how to donate directly to the Foundation by clicking here!