
UHEF & Uni News


Dec, 2017

Keep ‘em coming: More than 300 books donated to the Uni library!

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[Posted December 20, 2017] Through the marvelous generosity of Uni alumni, more than 300 new books have been provided to the Uni library … and you can join in! Some 312 books have now been received by the library, from 27 donors who have self-identified and many more who wish to remain anonymous. We now have donors from the 1940s, ‘50s, ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s: Michael Alcalay ‘80 Geraldine Armstrong ‘59 Connor Gilmore 2022 Jeff Deckman ‘76 Ivan Finkle ‘50 Barbara Wong Franklin ‘68 Sukey (Roth) Garcetti ‘57 Kelly Gilmore […]



May, 2017

Uni library donations up to 169; won’t you join in?

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[Posted May 12, 2017] “I can’t overstate how great an impact these donations have on making the library relevant for students and in making the collection more valuable and worthy of protection in a time when library closures are afoot. Thank you so much to our devoted alumni!” That’s Uni librarian Tascha Folsoi ‘86 on the continuing flood of new books into the Uni library, which has now reached 169, with a new donor – Carl Hagge S ‘53 – joining the club of those who have helped out. He […]



Mar, 2016

Uni teachers enhancing classroom with direct-action grants

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[Posted March 12, 2016] Stories about cuts in school funding are old news today, but Uni teachers are finding new ways to add to the curriculum in the form of grants. Pictured above: Uni’s Kerri Eich (right) and KABC-7’s Lori Corbin Two of the leaders in this effort have been librarian Tascha Folsoi and health sciences teacher Kerri Eich. Already in 2016, Folsoi has received three grants to help Uni: “This year I received a grant from DonorsChoose for $500.00. This was used to purchase biblotherapy books, or fiction books […]