Sep, 2017
Did you know that Uni has an Alma Mater?
[Posted September 4, 2017] Some Uni history needs your help.
UHEF co-President Ivan Finkle ‘50 found a scan of a Uni “Spirit Song” sheet and passed it along. Did you know Uni has a formal school song, an “Alma Mater”? The lyrics:
Standing high upon the hill-slopes
By Pacific’s pounding blue,
Mother of our fondest memories,
Alma Mater! Hail to you!
May we never prove unworthy,
Bow your head, or cause you tears,
Let your radiance shine upon us,
Seen through mist of space and years,
Let your radiance shine upon us,
seen through mist of space and years.
Really? Does anyone know when this song sheet might have been current? What was the music? Maybe in the 1940s? 1950s? 1840s? 1850s? Let us know at Connect@UHEF.org!
Thanks in advance for your advice!