Oct, 2017
Combo Reunion coming for the classes of 1958-62 coming March 12, 2018
[Posted October 10, 2017] Class reunions are usually just that: reunions of one class. But not for the classes of 1958 through 1962, which will have the opportunity to come together as a group next March 12.
How did this get started? We got the story from Yosh Kawahara S ’59 and Howard Uller S ‘59, and Uller provided these details:
“The first reunion was of the 1959 varsity basketball team. This team won the Western League with an undefeated record; and, to wit, won the consolation/third place trophy in the City basketball tournament by beating Jefferson in that game. I must add that no Western League team beat Jefferson in those days.
“The second reunion — held two years later — included the wives or significant others of our team.
“The untimely death of our teammate Scott Rathsom was the stimulus for the reunions. Four of us were at his memorial service and agreed to pool our efforts to build a reunion. The hope was that we could gather as a team to celebrate our accomplishments before any other teammate died.
“We so enjoyed the first gathering that the subsequent gatherings were well received.
“The third gathering started as another of the 1959 team reunions. But about a month before the reunion, Jane Schwab (Mintz) emailed asking if she could come. The team unanimously voted yes and decided to make it a Uni High sports/sports fans reunion. 95 people came to that event and it was so much fun that a two-hour session felt like 20 minutes.
“So another reunion is set for March 2018. The steering committee behind this is Mike Levitt (who has endless drive and energy), Yosh Kawahara, Jane Schwab (Mintz), Sally Martin (Garcia), and myself.
“117 people have sent emails with their intent to be there. Several of them are coming from some distance. We enjoy the gathering and ‘hanging’ and dining with the best.
“Final note: To a person we feel privileged and blessed to be alumni of Uni High – that school that opened our eyes to embracing diversity, giving life our best shot, etc.”
The program is slated to be held at the Marina City Tennis Club in Marina del Rey. For more information, please contact Mike Levitt, W ‘60 at unihighreunion2018@gmail.com. Should be quite a party!
Stewart Spivak
University High School 60th reunion, class of 1958
I thought I’d write to find out about any plans for the UNIHI class of 1958 60th reunion.
I am wondering how I might put myself any reunion committee list that there might be.
Thanks for any assistance!
Stewart Spivak
Stewart Spivak
University High School – 11800 Texas Av – Los Angeles CA 90025 – 310 914 3500
Re: Unihi 1958 60th reunion
Any idea how I can get information about our Unihi 1958 60th Reunion
I’ve tried and tried without any luck so far!
Stewart Spivak
Stewart Spivak
University High School
11800 Texas Av
Los Angeles CA 90025
310 914 3500
Re: Unihi 1958 60th reunion
Any idea how I can get information about our Unihi 1958 60th Reunion
I’ve tried and tried without any luck so far!
Stewart Spivak
Frances Cherman
Hi, Stewart. (You must be the brother of Robin Spinach who was in my class of Winter ‘70). Try looking at the University High School groups on Facebook. They’re quite active. Good luck!
Frances Cherman
Spivak! Not Spinach! Darn autocorrect!