Jun, 2016
Check out the All-Classes Picnic and Car Show photo album!
[Posted June 19, 2016] We’ve had plenty of requests for more pictures of last month’s All-Classes Picnic and Car Show at Uni. Happily, we have more to show you!
Elliott Alper was busy snapping photos at the event and we’ve compiled and we’ve compiled some of his best shots into a PDF photo album here. He writes:
“I’m Elliott Alper and graduated Emerson Junior High School on June 20,1971 and went on to Fairfax High School (graduated in 1974).
“I knew about University High School, but was living in the Fairfax district all my life. But the experience of walking the halls of University High School can make three years of high school [come back] very quickly.
“My experience at the Car Show and walking all over for the school’s open house was really enjoyable. I wished I had attended Uni, but the open house and Car Show were well worth it.
“Thanks for a nice event.”
Thanks to you Elliott, for the photos!
If you have ideas of suggestions on how to make the 2017 show better, let me know! Contact the Foundation at Connect@UHEF.org!