Sep, 2017
Uni Class of 1997 planning a “casual” reunion for December 9
[Posted September 30, 2017] Good news for the Uni Class of 1997 in this note from Annie Tilles Soleymani (annietilles@gmail.com):
“Wanted to let you know that Class of 1997 is doing a casual 20-year reunion on December 9th. It’ll be 7:30 p.m. at Cabo Cantina in Brentwood/West LA and is being planned by Lauren Rosenberg and Elisa Brown. The invite is on Facebook, but I can’t seem to send the link :(“
The Cabo Cantina is on Wilshire Boulevard just north of Uni, so if you’re going, please be sure to let the organizers know as there is limited space at this popular hangout!
Edith Cedeno
My name is Edith and I graduated from UNI in 1997.
Please notifying me of any class reunions.
My phone number is
Thank you!