Aug, 2017
Uni Ahead of LAUSD Rise in Graduation Rates
[Posted August 21, 2017] The Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce’s Business Perspective report from June 13 noted that “[T]he Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) [improved] its high school graduation rate by an unprecedented five percentage points in one year, while at the same time stepping up completion requirements and university eligibility.
“LAUSD made this progress while adopting more rigorous standards to better prepare students for college. Last year was the first year graduates had to complete all courses required for admission to California’s public universities. LAUSD graduates maintained their three-year trend of outperforming the state and county in CSU/UC eligibility (55 percent of LAUSD graduates, compared to 50 percent in L.A. County and 45 percent statewide.”
Uni did even better, with a graduation rate of 87.8%, well above the LAUSD average and almost five points higher than the State average. Another feather in the cap for Uni’s faculty and administration!
I have a daughter at Uni now. I have noticed that compare to my older children’s experience at various LAUSD high schools years ago, she seems to be receiving much more rigorous education.