Nov, 2015
Thanks to our July, August and September contributors!
[Posted November 9, 2015] The mission of the Uni Hi Education Foundation is to raise funds for the continued support of Uni’s academic, athletic and performing arts programs.
Created in 1985 to counter the effects on Uni of budget cuts across the L.A. Unified School District, more than $600,000 has been raised to assist faculty and students. Anyone can contribute: 103-year-old Hal Cunningham, who attended the school when it was known as Warren G. Harding High, joined the ranks of donors in 2014!
We salute and thank our 81 contributors from the third quarter of 2015; many of these donations were made to salute Coach Dick Kampmann in the successful effort to have the new football field and track facility dedicated as “Richard Kampmann Stadium.”
Contributors are listed by class, in alphabetical order of family names:
Frances Youhill Wittrock S ‘43
Audrey V. Peterson S ‘47
Bruce H. Pope S ‘48
Deborah Malm S ‘49
Edwin Y. Yamada S ‘51
Philip E. Crundall S ‘52
Selma Shanks Kahl S ‘52
Robert Graham S ‘53
Phillippe Meany S ‘53
Jean Steel S ‘53
Ronald Coons S ‘54
Norman Gausman S ‘55
Anne Aaberg Twente S ‘56
Elizabeth Traubman S ‘57
Richard F. Goshert S ‘61
Jeff Kroot S ‘61
Joan Kline Redlich W ‘61
Warren H. Scoville S ‘61
Harvey Stein W ‘61
Travers Wood S ‘61
Larry N. Goddard S ‘62
Jack Smith S ‘62
Alan Barbour S ‘63
Robert Collins S ‘63
Ronald S. Javor W ‘63
Jeffrey C. Slade S ‘63
Leonard Levine S ‘64
Len Hill S ‘65
M. Lynne Hofhenke S ‘65
Oskar Jacobsson S ‘65
Judy Kleinberg S ‘65
Miriam Lacey W ‘65
Bruce Levin S ‘65
Ruben & Mari Cerda S ‘66
Robert J. Williamson S ‘66
Joseph Cohen S ‘67
Brian Tobin S ‘67
Mike Cockinos S ‘68
Robert Marshall S ‘68
Ron Ovadia S ‘68
John Statham W ‘68
Steven Baum S ‘69
Robert Cowan S ‘69
Jim Nakabara W ‘69
Joel Singer W ‘69
Ben Alvarez ‘70
Bill Kabaker ‘70
Craig Leeds ‘70
William Martinez ‘70
William D. Mosier ‘70
Craig Simon ‘70
Henry W. Tubbs ‘70
Wendell Miller ‘72
Robert Yudovin ‘72
Robert Acker ‘74
Karen Davis ‘74
David Duffy ‘74
Daniel Ezralow ‘74
Daniel McQuoid ‘74
Rich Perelman ‘74
Andrew Shapiro ‘74
Richard Bendik ‘75
Paul Farhi’ 75
Kevin E. Young ‘75
Gordon Blacknell ‘76
William Bredall ‘76
Holtby Family ‘76
Bruce Perelman ‘76
Gary C. Gausman ‘77
Erik Levin ‘77
Robert Bendik ‘78
Dimitrius A. Connor ‘79
Darryl Browne ‘80
Elisabeth Leffler ‘80
Paul Soroudi ‘84
Leo Weisbender, no year given
Judy Wolfenstein, a Uni parent
The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation
Thank you.
Any amount is helpful; find out how to donate directly to the Foundation by clicking here!