
UHEF & Uni News


Jan, 2017

Memorial Service for Dick Kampmann on Saturday, Feb. 4

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[Posted Jan. 30, 2017] To honor the greatest coach in University High School history – Dick Kampmann – a memorial service and celebration of his life will be held at Uni’s Stivelman Theater on Saturday, February 4, beginning at 11 a.m. Street parking is available and all are welcome. Kampmann passed away on January 23, aged 92, at his longtime home in Santa Monica and was surrounded by family and friends until the end. Many inquiries have been made about donations, flowers or gifts. Kampmann’s son, Bill Stimming, asks that […]



Jan, 2017

Coach Dick Kampmann: 1925-2017

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[Posted Jan. 24, 2017] One of University High School’s legendary teachers has passed away. A note sent to friends last night stated: “With deep sadness, this message is to inform you that Coach Dick Kampmann passed away this afternoon at 2:12 p.m. at his home in Santa Monica. He was with family at the end and at age 92, lived a full and meaningful life. He and [wife] Deb are now once more united, forever. “[Son] Bill Stimming is now busy making the necessary arrangements and there will be a […]



Oct, 2016

Kampmann-Patton-Cavanaugh Plaques Now Mounted on the South Gym

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[Posted October 15, 2016] The massive plaques saluting Coach Dick Kampmann, Uni sprinter (and double Olympic gold medalist) Mel Patton ‘43 and the school’s first principal, Angus Cavanaugh, are now mounted outside the north side of the South Gym. The plaques, made possible by donors – those who gave $100 or more are listed on a separate plaque, also now mounted – commemorate the naming of Uni’s new athletic facilities as “Kampmann Stadium,” “Patton Track” and “Cavanaugh Field.” If you would like to see the plaques, please note that Uni […]



Apr, 2016

It’s back: Uni’s All-Classes Picnic and Car Show coming May 15!

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[Posted April 5, 2016] Back by popular demand: the Uni All-Classes Picnic and Car Show, back on campus after a three-year absence on May 15. In addition to the vintage autos, there will be campus tours, a short State of the School address from Principal Eric Davidson and a special luncheon to commemorate the naming of the new athletics facilities as “Kampmann Stadium” and “Patton Track.” The event is free except for the luncheon, for which there is a separate charge. Stay tuned for more information!   (https://rpdrlatino.com)



Apr, 2016

Track & Field returns to Uni!

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[Posted April 2, 2016] It took more than a decade and a concerted effort to get a new, quality track installed, but home track & field meets are now a regular occurrence at Uni. Pictured above: Start of the Boys Varsity 1,600 m race vs. Hamilton and San Pedro (Photos courtesy Ivan Finkle/UHEF) The first meet was a practice (non-scoring) affair vs. Fairfax and L.A. Center for Enriched Studies (LACES) on Thursday, March 10, followed by a three-team meet vs. San Pedro and Hamilton on March 16. The Uni-San Pedro […]



Nov, 2015

Thanks to our July, August and September contributors!

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[Posted November 9, 2015] The mission of the Uni Hi Education Foundation is to raise funds for the continued support of Uni’s academic, athletic and performing arts programs. Created in 1985 to counter the effects on Uni of budget cuts across the L.A. Unified School District, more than $600,000 has been raised to assist faculty and students. Anyone can contribute: 103-year-old Hal Cunningham, who attended the school when it was known as Warren G. Harding High, joined the ranks of donors in 2014! We salute and thank our 81 contributors […]



Oct, 2015

Uni field and track dedication ceremony: Transcript

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[Posted October 25, 2015] For the record, here’s a transcript of the remarks given at the October 22 dedication of the new Uni field and track, with many additional photographs courtesy of UHEF Co-President Ivan Finkle: Steve Zimmer President, LAUSD Board of Education Good afternoon, everybody. I’ve got my Wildcat hat and I do so much appreciate being here, getting the chance to emcee this dedication. I want to add to what Lorena said: Thank you to our amazing students, Color Guard, Cheer, Band. Thank you so much for being […]



Oct, 2015

Happy crowd cheers dedication of Kampmann Stadium and Patton Track

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[Posted October 22, 2015] In the presence of politicians, school officials and one of Uni’s two Olympic medal winners, the school’s new football field and all-weather track were dedicated on Thursday afternoon. Pictured above: The official ribbon-cutting ceremony, with (from left) LAUSD Board President Steve Zimmer, Coach Dick Kampmann and Uni Principal Eric Davidson (Photo courtesy Ivan Finkle/UHEF) The facilities were named for two Uni legends and will henceforth be known as “Richard Kampmann Stadium” after the legendary Uni cross-country and track & field coach, and “Mel Patton Track,” after […]



Feb, 2015

Big Crowd Surprises Coach K for 90th Birthday Salute

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[Posted February 15, 2015] A full house of more than 220 alumni, co-coaches and friends came out to salute a very surprised Dick Kampmann (yes, he was surprised!) for his 90th birthday on February 7 at Pepperdine University. Pictured above: Coach K greets 1973 Cross-Country captain Danny McQuoid, who flew from Sao Paolo, Brazil, to join in the birthday salute. (Photo courtesy Lisa Duffy Atkin/UHEF) Uni alumni dating back to Kampmann’s first team in 1960 (!) were on hand to speak, with Western League 880 yards champion Harvey Stein getting […]



Jan, 2015

Surprise 90th birthday party for Uni legend Dick Kampmann on Feb. 7

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[Posted January 23, 2015] Uni’s legendary cross-country and track & field coach Dick Kampmann reached 90 years of age on January 13, but alumni from as far away as Brazil are headed back to Southern California for a surprise birthday party. The cake, candles and memories will be on display beginning at 1 p.m. on Saturday afternoon, February 7, 2015 at The Waves Café at Pepperdine University (where Kampmann coached cross country and track after retiring from Uni). Kampmann taught physical education and coached at Uni from 1960-84, leaving a […]