Apr, 2018
Say hello to Art Kvaas, Class of 1936!
[Posted April 28, 2018] Uni will graduate its 93rd class in June, but the UHEF was honored with a recent note from a graduate of Uni’s 11th graduating class from the spring of 1936!
Art Kvaas wrote in to ask if we had any other ‘36 grads in the UHEF contact database and sadly, he’s the only one. He wrote back:
“My own personal list of ’36 friends confirms your data, but thanks. Since I will be ‘100′ next Jan. 8 (born 1919), I should not be surprised at my ‘Lone Ranger’ status.
“Regards to all of you at Uni !
P.S.: I still drive, serve on the Board of Directors of the Santa Barbara Symphony and The American-Scandinavian Foundation and am Co-Chairman of the Santa Barbara County Fish and Wildlife Commission.”
Art’s photo from the 1936 Chieftain is shown above among 11 other classmates; you can check on every issue of the Chieftain here. All the best, Art, for a great 2018 and on to 100 in 2019!
Rosine Lee Reynolds
You can be our role model, Art! Thanks for sending your story.
Barbara Pearce Feick
Hello Art,
Wonderful to hear you are going to be 100 next year. Keep going and be strong. Our country need you. I graduated in the Winter Class of 1952 as a Mariner. I will be 85 next year in April and am also going strong. Very active in many ways. Our years at UNI were memorable. Some of the best years of my life. My best to you in the new year.