Nov, 2014
Help Uni When You Buy From Amazon!
[Posted November 11, 2014] Did you know that you can help Uni every time you buy from Amazon.com?
Through a program that helps fund local schools, Amazon donates a portion of its sales which come to it through a qualified click. Uni has participated in the program for more than a year, and has already received more than $1,000.
On UHEF.org, the “activated” Amazon logo is on the “How You Can Help” page. Helping Uni is as easy as clicking on the Amazon logo you see on the screen every time you buy!
There’s no inconvenience or sidestepping your existing Amazon information, but by clicking on this link, Amazon is informed that a Uni supporter is shopping. The donated amount varies by the type of item you buy, but has averaged 4-6% since the program started in 2013.
You can even use your existing Amazon Prime membership to enjoy free shipping! But you must use the Amazon link on our website every time for Uni to get credit.
Tell everyone you know to use Uni’s connection with Amazon, especially for the upcoming holiday season!