Oct, 2016
Give the Gift of Knowledge: Buy a Book for the Uni Library!
[Posted October 10, 2016] A new study from the Pew Research Center found that 92% of younger adults (18-29) prefer to read books in print when researching specific topics of interest. That comes as no surprise to Uni alumna, teacher and school librarian Tascha Folsoi ‘86:
“Our collection is aging, but our students are as young as ever. Last month, I was so excited to find one of my friend’s names written on the library card of one of our books. Next to her name, the due date was stamped: June 7, 1973. Who could have foreseen that over forty years later that library card would be photographed using a cell phone and received via technology in only matter of seconds?
“While there is something delightfully anachronistic about this convergence of past and present, it speaks to the reality that many of our books are too old – and that without a standing collection development budget provided by the state or district our collection is continually becoming more and more outdated.
“With the average publication date of our biography section over 20 years in the past, we need help to maintain a current and relevant collection. Just this morning a student was looking for a book on robotics, but our collection doesn’t include books published later than the nineties. Students want books; they request them daily. Teachers want to assign research projects that require students to use digital and print sources. We need a way to keep up with demand in order to maintain a relevant center for reading, research, and teacher/librarian collaboration.”
So, here’s the solution. Folsoi has set up an easy-to-use Amazon.com Wish List for books she would like to add to the library’s collection. It’s simplicity itself: click on the link below, buy the book on Amazon (for which Uni will get credit and cash back!) and the book(s) will be sent to the Uni library directly:
Your name, as the donor of the book, will be inscribed on a plate that will be adhered to the inside of the front cover, as Uni’s thanks for your generosity.
Ten book on robotics are now listed as the first topic to be supported, with prices ranging from $8.17 to $30.04. And, of course, your gift is tax-deductible. Thanks in advance for supporting Uni’s e-x-p-a-n-d-i-n-g library!