Oct, 2014
Class of Winter ‘56 Celebrates With 58-Year Reunion
[Posted October 1, 2014] You don’t have to wait for 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 years to have a reunion! Just ask the Class of Winter ‘56 . . .
Pictured above: Attendees of the Class of Winter ‘56 reunion, smiling from the recently-completed Uni amphitheatre, near the Classroom Building. (Photo courtesy Marsha Franks Cohen)
Marsha Franks Cohen shared the details of her class’s unique 58-year reunion:
“The weekend of September 12-14, 2014 found 35 Unihi alums (plus their guests) from the class of Winter ’56 gathering for their 58th reunion, some coming from as far as Connecticut, New York, Denver, and Washington State.
“On Saturday, September 13th, a group came by school bus, courtesy of [Los Angeles City] Councilman [Mike] Bonin’s office, and enjoyed coffee and bagels while exploring and remember their days as students at Unihi.
“Other weekend activities included a trip to the California Science Museum and the [space shuttle] Endeavour. The committee will be donating the proceeds from the reunion to the Uni Hi Education Foundation and to the Thelma Culverson (a W-56 graduate) Endowment Fund at UCLA.”