Jun, 2018
Class of 1960 starting its 2020 reunion planning early!
[Posted June 10, 2018] The Class of 1960 – the Elysians – will be 60 years “old” in 2020 and Gail Grant Day (daysies1@hotmail.com) is ready to get started on a reunion:
“Attention: Class of S’60, if anyone is interested in a 60th Reunion please let me know, (it has seemed in the past that not many of our class would attend).
“We would need a local chairman and a reunion company to organize the event. I’m in Colorado and it was difficult to chair the 50th reunion from afar. I would be glad to forward any of the info from the last reunion if there is enough interest. Let me know, I can be reached at daysies1@hotmail.com.”
Please let Gail know if you’re ready to pick up the ball!
Madeline (Pomeranz) Levine
Am willing and able to help with reunion planning and arrangements. Won’t chair.
Sandra Bettin Wolfson
Hi Madeline,
Gail is not chairing the 60th. I am!
It is Saturday, June 27, 2020 from Noon to 3:00,
A luncheon at The California Yacht Club in Marina Del Rey. We will be emailing all invitations so please privately message me here as Sandra Bettin or on FB as Sandra Gale Bettin. Please get back to me ASAP as we are trying to complete our database now with the reunion company we are working with. I remember you so well from our Uni days. It will be great to see you again.
Sandy. Sandra (Bettin) Wolfson
Whitney Gee
Sandra, my name is Whitney Gee. I attended Emerson Jr. high starting in the middle of the eighth grade then in to Uni. After my junior year my family took off on a sailing trip to Hawaii then off to the South Seas for a year so missed out on my senior year with the class of 1960. I now live in Atlanta Georgia. If anyone in the class would like to contact me feel free to pass along my email address to them.
wcgee@comcast.net. Thank you.
Michael Hecht
Interested in attending. Received a postcard that said elysianssummer1960 . I’d be interested also in knowing list of attendees when it comes available. I will go to ReunionDB.com and see about purchasing tickets for $65. At this time don’t know whether wife will accompany me or not. Cheers to all.
Adeline Cruz
I’m Adeline Garcia Cruz class of 1960. I would like to an attend my class reunion this year. Please contact me at (818)221-5045 or (818)310-2342. Or mail me information at 2573 Neptune place Port Hueneme CA. 93041. Thank you, Adeline Garcia Cruz