
UHEF & Uni News

Match Your Dollars to Good Giving!

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AMAZON; Donors Choose, Gift Matches and Other Support for Uni! Amazon.com:  University High School is continuing its partnership with Amazon.com to raise money to support our school. By using the link instead of going directly to Amazon.com, Amazon.com will give the schools a percentage of the sales. This past year the Amazon link has brought Uni $1,456.06, a yield of 5.34%. It’s as easy as 1-2-3: Go to the Uni High Website:  www.universitywildcats.org Click on the Amazon.com link Shop, Spend and Support Uni Tell everyone you know to shop Amazon.com via the […]



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This past year the UHEF made the following allocations to support the University High School community, totaling $32,007 plus newsletter production and mailing. The College Advisor – $17,100 to cover health insurance. The LAUSD agreed to pay her salary as a professional expert, not a contract employee, and would not cover benefits. We are delighted that we could help so many of Uni’s students. Fortunately, her position became full-time for the new school year so we will not have to cover her benefits in the coming year. Counselor’s Office – […]