
UHEF & Uni News


Nov, 2014

Help Uni When You Buy From Amazon!

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[Posted November 11, 2014] Did you know that you can help Uni every time you buy from Amazon.com? Through a program that helps fund local schools, Amazon donates a portion of its sales which come to it through a qualified click. Uni has participated in the program for more than a year, and has already received more than $1,000. On UHEF.org, the “activated” Amazon logo is on the “How You Can Help” page. Helping Uni is as easy as clicking on the Amazon logo you see on the screen every […]



Nov, 2014

Thanks to our October contributors!

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[Posted November 6, 2014] The mission of the Uni Hi Education Foundation is to raise funds for the continued support of Uni’s academic, athletic and performing arts programs. Created in 1985 to counter the effects on Uni of budget cuts across the L.A. Unified School District, more than $550,000 has been raised to assist faculty and students. We salute and thank our contributors for October 2014: Harry Andrew S ‘51 Bonnie (Geller) Aylesworth ‘76 Joanna (Tanner) Ballard W ‘53 Donna (Hurd) Branin ‘44 Class of 1956 Diane (Falconer) Cunningham ‘47 […]



Oct, 2014

Thanks to our September contributors!

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[Posted October 5, 2014] The mission of the Uni Hi Education Foundation is to raise funds for the continued support of Uni’s academic, athletic and performing arts programs. Created in 1985 to counter the effects on Uni of budget cuts across the L.A. Unified School District, more than $550,000 has been raised to assist faculty and students. We salute and thank our contributors for September 2014: Katrina Kuizenga Bergen ‘71 Zizi Fouquet Judy Kleinberg ‘65 Joseph Green ’55 Ronald McNichols ’56 Paul Merified ‘50 Linda Haithcock Pequegnat ‘49 Don Roth […]



Oct, 2014

Class of Winter ‘56 Celebrates With 58-Year Reunion

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[Posted October 1, 2014] You don’t have to wait for 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 years to have a reunion! Just ask the Class of Winter ‘56 . . . Pictured above: Attendees of the Class of Winter ‘56 reunion, smiling from the recently-completed Uni amphitheatre, near the Classroom Building. (Photo courtesy Marsha Franks Cohen) Marsha Franks Cohen shared the details of her class’s unique 58-year reunion: “The weekend of September 12-14, 2014 found 35 Unihi alums (plus their guests) from the class of Winter ’56 gathering for their […]



Oct, 2014

Uni All-Classes Picnic Planned for Return in 2015

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[Posted October 1, 2014] Uni alumni and friends who have missed the annual all-classes picnic on campus are being asked to be patient a little longer. Pictured above: Construction is underway to install a new football field and all-weather track at Uni, with the work slated for completion in 2015. (Photo courtesy Walter Burgos/UHS) “We’ve had multiple inquiries about when the all-classes picnic and classic car show will be held again,” said Uni Hi Education Foundation co-president Ivan Finkle ‘50. “Although we would like to hold it, it’s just not […]



Sep, 2014

New “Warriors & Wildcats Report” debuts

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[Posted September 1, 2014] What’s happening at Uni? What reunions are coming up? What’s with the new construction inside the fence at Westgate & Ohio? All these questions and more are covered in the new “Warriors & Wildcats Report.” It’s designed as a once- or twice-a-month update from the Uni Hi Education Foundation to keep the Warrior and Wildcat family informed during the school year. It’s free and sent via e-mail. Tell your friends to sign up via the “Subscribe now” button on the home page of the UHEF.org site. […]



Aug, 2014

Class of ‘74 Donates to Uni Theatre Arts Program

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[Posted August 25, 2014] A revitalized theatre arts program at Uni will benefit from an unexpected donation from the Class of 1974 reunion held last March. Pictured above: An ecstatic Ronnie Sperling ‘76, director of Uni’s Theatre Arts programs, accepts the Class of ‘74 donation from Rich Perelman and Lisa Duffy Atkin. (Photo courtesy UHEF) The Chenoa Class organizers decided quite late to add a raffle to the reunion, selling tickets on-site to enter a drawing for items offered by class members: shooting lessons, a celebrity-chef-cooked dinner, kitchen makeover and […]



Aug, 2014

Big crowd at Class of 1974 Reunion

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[Posted August 11, 2014]  The experts will tell you that 40-year class reunions are often small, with some folks retired, others who have passed and without the pull of the 50-year celebration to come. Pictured above: Classmates Steve Kirsch, Jaye-Jo (Portanova) Cooperman, Danny McQuoid, Tim Riddle and Ellen (Kierstein) Bass at the Class of ‘74 reunion on March 29 (Photo courtesy Danny McQuoid). But the Uni class of 1974 continued its tradition of cohesion with an overflow crowd of 182 classmates, spouses and friends at its 40-year reunion held March […]



Jul, 2014

Uni Star Artist: Ken Price

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Ken Price W’53 is a Big Deal! Nationally and internationally recognized as one of America’s most significant contemporary sculptors, Price has made a powerful mark in the art world. Currently, a Price exhibit is at the Metropolitan Museum in New York, and last year LACMA held an important retrospective that drew large crowds. Price graduated from University High School in 1953 where he served as a cartoonist for the school newspaper in 1952-1953. We are fairly sure that Price also designed endpapers for the yearbook.* Price knew from the beginning […]


From the Principal’s Desk

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I spent the brief summer break reflecting on the progress the school has made over the past five years. Our Academic Performance Index has risen 112 points. This past year Uni garnered praise from the visiting WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges), the accrediting commission for California schools. The committee recognized our students as being among the nicest young people they have seen, and LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy sent Uni a letter of commendation. This summer, we were notified that Uni received a 6-year accreditation with a 3-year revisit. […]