Aug, 2016
Career Day Coming September 30: Share Your Story with Uni’s Students
[Posted August 27, 2016] The second annual Uni Career Day has been scheduled for Friday, September 30 and alumni are invited to come back to campus and share their experience and advice. The invitation letter to alumni reads:
“As part of our efforts to increase career-readiness, University Senior High will host our Second Annual Career Day on September 30, 2016 from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. It is with great enthusiasm that we ask you to support our students and school by volunteering your time to present to students that day.
“The day will begin with a welcome from our Uni Student Ambassadors, giving students and speakers the opportunity to directly interact. This will be followed by two 20-25 minute presentations in classrooms. A tour of our campus and new facilities will be available following the presentations.
“We hope you might consider being a part of our exciting event. Increasing student exposure to a variety of career fields can have a tremendous impact on a student’s ability to see a career as something possible to attain. It makes a world of difference for students to be able to hear from professionals directly about their experiences and how they got to where they are.
“If you are interested in being a part of our event, RSVP with [Assistant Principal Cynthia] Headrick at Cynthia.Headrick@lausd.net no later than September 16, 2016. Include your career field and job title, as well as if you would be interested in the campus tour. (www.nelsongreerpainting.com) Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions.”
Career Day is a wonderful way to give students a glimpse into what their future could be. Please contact Cynthia Headrick to participate in this program.