Oct, 2015
“Career Day” Volunteers Needed to Share Their Experiences with Students
[Posted October 17, 2015] Uni alumni and friends are being asked to come and share their life experiences with Uni students to help show them the multitude of paths that they can take in their lives.
“Career Day” will be held on November 19 at Uni from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. along the following schedule:
- 10:00 a.m.:
- Meet in the Parent Center
- Welcome and Program Overview
- 10:30-11:30 a.m.:
- Classroom presentations: 2 x 30 minutes
- Guests share their careers with two classes
- 11:30 a.m.:
- Tour of new facilities at Uni
“We’d love to have as many as 40 people come to campus and share their experiences with our students,” notes Uni Assistant Principal Cynthia Headrick. “These person-to-person sessions help them understand how people who sat in the same classes they did can become a success in life. There is no better lesson that we can teach them, and so we want people to contact us and come to campus on November 19.”
If you are interested, please contact Cynthia directly at cynthia.headrick@lausd.net or by telephone at (310) 914-3605.