Apr, 2018
Thanks to our January, February and March contributors!
[Posted April 20, 2018] The mission of the Uni Hi Education Foundation is to raise funds for the continued support of Uni’s academic, athletic and performing arts programs.
Created in 1985 to counter the effects on Uni of budget cuts across the L.A. Unified School District, more than $1 million has been raised to assist faculty and students. Anyone can contribute: 103-year-old Hal Cunningham, who attended the school when it was known as Warren G. Harding High, joined the ranks of donors in 2014 and helped out again in 2015!
We salute and thank our 71 contributors from the first quarter of 2018. Contributors are listed by class, in alphabetical order of family names:
Marjorie Lamb Simmons S ’44
Hope Sterling Kelly S ’46
Annette Lewis Herbst-Orton S ’49
Sally Kaplan W ’50
Paul Merifield W ’50
Georgia Coblentz Matheney S ‘ 50
Lawrence Delpino Porter S ’50
John Jones S ’50
Vivienne Sinclair S ’50
Lee Berta Graham W ’51
Lon B. Kirkgaard W ’51
John J. Peterson W ’51
Akira Kageyama ’51
Frederick L. Hines W ’52
Gary E. Hunt W ’53
Jacqueline Johnson Andrews S ’53
Robert Carrillo S ’53
Ann & Robbin Leigh ’53
Jean Steel ’53
Charles Lichter ’54
Joseph L. Green W ’55
Suzie M. Keels W ’55
Shirley Cohen Shapiro W ’55
Judith Chippendale Eagar ’55
Jim Faughnder S ’55
Carol Williams Okuda S ’55
Adrian Zolkover S ’55
Philip Flanders ’56
Harlan Hiney S ’56
Patricia Green Vogel ’56
Marlene E. Fischer W ’57
Robert Bayer S ’57
Patricia Ganz Sheehan S ’57
Class of 1958-1962
Susan Holyoke Webb ’58
Jeanne Trattner Harris W ’59
Gerry Mitchell W ’59
Lawrence Tistaert S ’59
Clella Goodson Schneider W ’60
Joan Prew Caronna W ’61
Ann Gresham Pittel W ’61
Diane V. Ledeboer Hunter S ’61
Christopher Wood S ’61
S.W. Ginsburg ’62
Jeffrey C. Slade S ’63
Charlene M. Yoritsune S ’64
Faustino Livas, Jr. S ’65
Joseph Cohen ’67
Sandra Salka Milken W ’68
Meridith Fields Goodrow ’68
Peter Stanley W ’70
Ben Alvarez ’70
Randy Gleckman ’71
Joel Polachek ’72
Daniel Ezralow ’74
Francine Weiss ’74
Madelyn Alfano ’75
Kevin E. Young ’75
William Bredall ’76
Bruce Perelman ’76
Jeffrey and Reina Schaffer ’76
Jose & Martha Santana ’77
Charissa Renardo Kronenberg ’79
Jaymie Ching Nevis ’80
Steve Herbert ’81
Lauren Gage Segal ’81
Dawn Ernst-Smith ’85
Deseree (Wright) Wynne ’86
Uni supporters who were not alumni:
Parents of Vineeta Singh 2014
Col. Don B. Carmichael
Izayha Palmer Williams
Thank you.
Any amount is helpful; find out how to donate directly to the Foundation by clicking here!