Jul, 2014
Ribbon Cutting Celebration Major Construction Completed!
On May 21, 2013, LAUSD Board member Steve Zimmer presided over a ribbon-cutting ceremony celebrating the completion of several major construction projects on campus: the Magruder Music Complex, the New Gym, New Tennis Courts and a New Parent Center! The event was held on the beautiful new Westgate Tennis Courts and after speeches Principal Eric Davidson and Board Member Zimmer played a friendly set of tennis. Principal Davidson prevailed!
The major construction projects were many years in process. The seismic-mitigation project, initiated in 1995 by LAUSD following the Northridge Earthquake, resulted in the immediate closing of the Music Instruction Rooms and ultimately the West gym building. The athletic programs were moved into the New Gym after completion in 2011, but the Music Rooms were red-tagged and the programs became somewhat peripatetic. Thanks to the efforts and persistence of Arthur Shane, Chairman of the Performing Arts department, Uni was awarded $1.5 million in funding by the California Department of Education from the Career Technical Education Facilities Program, matching the District’s construction allocation. The grant allowed the completion and outfitting of the stunning new high-tech instructional space. In addition to music theory, instrumental and ensemble instruction and vocal performance, the new space provides keyboard labs and equipment enabling students to study and learn on state-of-the-art music production equipment.
Next up for completion is the new track. We’re looking forward to the next ribbon-cutting ceremony!