
How You Can Help – old

Raise funds to enrich Uni High & build an even better school for future generations.


’65 Challenge!

The Classes of 1965 are having their 50th Reunion in 2015. They have challenged their classmates to raise $1,000,000 gift for Uni by their reunion. $100,000 has alread been pledged toward that goal. Classmates are invited to unihi65.com to join in.

Other classes are being asked to mount similar campaignes when they have reunions. The UHEF will be happy to facilitate creation of your website for your campaign and link it here.

$100,000 of 1 Million

Naming Opportunities

Naming Opportunities are now possible for fundraising at Uni.  A school-wide committee is in place for consideration of requests.  Here are some of the options:


  • Journalism Room
  • Band Room
  • Art Studio
  • Dance Studio
  • Music Practice Room
  • Library
  • Computer Lab
  • Entry Walkway
  • Organic Garden
  • Weight Room
  • Football Field
  • Tennis Courts
  • Baseball Diamond
  • Basketball Gym
  • Chemistry Lab

Teaching Endownments:

  • Endowed chair in each of the major academic departments
  • Outstanding teacher of the year prize
  • Teacher advancement scholarship for advanced study


Student Awards:

  • Outstanding Junior* in each academic department
  • Outstanding Junior* whose native language is not English
  • Summer study abroad awards
  • Outstanding scholar/athlete award


There’s more.
Contact Us for details.

You can make a quick online donation via PayPal or contact us about larger scale offers as well as other ways you can contribute. All donations of $10 or more includes a one year membership to the Uni High Education Foundation.

The UHEF needs your help to support Uni, its students, faculty, staff and infrastructure.

Volunteer to:

  • Become your class liaison to UHEF for Reunions and updates
  • Be the Committee Chair for the Theater Party for the Spring Musical at Uni, the Annual Golf Tournament, the Annual All-Alumni on Campus Event, and/or the Movie Evening at UTA in Beverly Hills
  • Processing donations
  • Writing articles for the annual Newsletter
  • Coordinating with classes planning reuinions
  • Develop a directory of Uni alumni owned businesses, which can lead to student internships and career mentoring

If you’d like to lend a hand, send us a signal by completing the questionnaire below:

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Have a reunion coming up? Would you like to help today’s Uni students? Organize a challenge to your classmates to raise funds for a specific goal, or to help Uni generally.

Contact Us to find out more.


Current Challenges:

  • Classes of 1965:  A $1 million challenge for these classes (Winter and Summer), to be raised by the date of their 50-year reunion in 2015.  As of July 2014, $100,000 has already been raised.

Find out more ways to get involved!