
Donate Now-activity card

Raise funds to enrich Uni High & build an even better school for future generations.

Make an Impact at Uni

New energies are coming online at University High School as it approaches its not-far-away centennial in 2024! A devoted administration and teaching corps, more lively students and new facilities for arts, athletics and recreation are all helping to raise achievement in the classroom and the community.

You can help, in a direct and meaningful way. Many academic, arts and athletic programs could reach further if they had even a little more funding. That’s where the Uni Hi Educational Foundation comes in with:

  • Academic Support: Funding for Advanced Placement (AP) preparation programs for teachers to be able to offer more AP classes at Uni.
  • Extra-curricular Programs: Funding for club participation, for example, entry fees to allow the rebirth of a campus Speech & Debate Program to enter competition tournaments in 2015-16. Thanks to UHEF support, two Uni students qualified for the California High School Speech Association (CHSSA) state finals!
  • Scholarships for students and Endowed Chairs for teachers: The UHEF already awards annual student scholarships of $1,000 for Community Service, in honor of the late student counselor Sharon Mednick (inaugurated in 2004 for students aiming for a career in education) and for a Principal’s Award for a deserving students not otherwise recognized. More are certainly welcome!
  • School naming opportunities: The UHEF provided matching funds for the naming of the new football field and all-weather track with alumni fund-raising that saw the designation of these facilities in 2015 as Kampmann Stadium (for long-time Uni coach Dick Kampmann), Patton Track (for Uni alum and Olympic gold medalist Mel Patton) and Cavanaugh Field (in honor of Uni’s first principal, Angus Cavanaugh). Some 94 individual donations were made for this program alone.  Thanks to a recent change in Los Angeles Unified School District policy, many other naming opportunities are available on the Uni campus. Please ask for details.
  • Yearbook preservation and presentation: The UHEF has undertaken the ongoing digital presentation of Uni’s Chieftain yearbooks, from 1925 to the present. Each yearbook can be “presented” by a class member for a donation of $199 or more and individual dedications can be made, that will be posted on that yearbook’s home page. You can even purchase a download of a fully-digitized yearbook to have for your own.

The UHEF has raised more than $1.1 million over its lifetime. Help us continue this crucial work of supporting students and alumni by giving generously via the form below.

Questions? Have an idea? We’re happy to hear them! Send your idea via the Contact Us (link) form and we’ll get back to you ASAP … or faster!

You can make a quick online donation via PayPal or contact us about larger scale offers as well as other ways you can contribute. All donations of $10 or more includes a one year membership to the Uni High Education Foundation.  Please fill out the donation form below.

The UHEF needs your help to support Uni, its students, faculty, staff and infrastructure.

Volunteer to:

  • Become your class liaison to UHEF for Reunions and updates
  • Processing donations
  • Writing articles for the annual Newsletter
  • Coordinating with classes planning reunions
  • Develop a directory of Uni alumni owned businesses, which can lead to student internships and career mentoring

If you’d like to lend a hand, send us a signal by completing the questionnaire below:

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Remember the old “WAC Card” that got you into all of Uni’s home events? Now you can get the alumni version: the Warriors & Wildcats Activity Card!

WWAC holders are admitted to all Uni home (regular-season) athletic and performing arts events, just by showing your card. It’s available to everyone who donates $99 or more to the Uni Hi Education Foundation, so sign up below and receive your card in the mail!

Get Your 2016-17 Warriors & Wildcats Activity Card

Remember the old Uni “WAC Card”? For many years the “Warrior Activity Card” and later the “Wildcat Activity Card,” it provided student purchasers with free admission to Uni athletic and performing arts events. So why not have one for alumni?


Now we do!


The new UHEF “Warriors & Wildcats Activity Card” is now available for donations of $99 and above. All donors of that amount or more will receive a WWAC card of your very own, which will allow free admission to all home athletic contests (regular-season only) and performing arts events.


So if you’d like to attend the Homecoming football game, or take in the latest performance at the Stivelman Theatre, forget about tickets. Just show your Warriors & Wildcats Activity Card and walk right in!


From a tax standpoint, the purchase of a WWAC is tax-deductible as a charitable contribution to the extent that it is not used for admissions to events. Please consult your tax advisor for further details.


If you’d like to be the first on your block to get a card, fill out the donation form (on this page), contribute $99 or more and watch your mailbox. We’ll get your card out right away!

Help Uni When You Buy From Amazon!

Did you know that you can help Uni every time you buy from Amazon.com?

It’s as easy as clicking on the Amazon logo you see on the screen every time you buy!

There’s no inconvenience or sidestepping your existing Amazon information, but by clicking on this link, Amazon is informed that a Uni supporter is shopping. This results in a donation of a portion of the purchase price! The amount varies by the type of item you buy, but has averaged 4-6% since the program started in 2013.

You can even use your existing Amazon Prime membership to enjoy free shipping! But you must use the Amazon link on our website every time for Uni to get credit.

Tell everyone you know to use Uni’s connection with Amazon!

Find out more ways to get involved!