Jan, 2017
Thanks to our July to December contributors!
[Posted Jan. 19, 2017] The mission of the Uni Hi Education Foundation is to raise funds for the continued support of Uni’s academic, athletic and performing arts programs.
Created in 1985 to counter the effects on Uni of budget cuts across the L.A. Unified School District, more than $1 million has been raised to assist faculty and students. Anyone can contribute: 103-year-old Hal Cunningham, who attended the school when it was known as Warren G. Harding High, joined the ranks of donors in 2014!
We salute and thank our 207 contributors from the last half of 2016. The leading decade of contributors was the 1950s with 81, followed by the 1960s (44) and 1940s (34).
Contributors are listed by class, in alphabetical order of family names:
Rita G. McDermott S ‘41
Lois Marr Sandall W ‘41
John Van Gorder W ‘41
Ruta Bielskis Hagmann S’ 42
Joseph Zukin S’ 43
Donald R. Lindsay W ‘43
Frances Youhill Wittrock W ‘43
Leonore Koll Hall S ‘44
Mary S. Hartwell S ‘44
Robert W Quick S ‘44
Barbara Hymer Vinson S ‘44
Jerry Zucker W ‘44
Joan LaVoie Olin S ‘45
Jane Marie Crail W ‘45
H. Ralph Snyder W ‘45
Louise Kosches Iscoe S ‘46
Hope Sterling Kelly S ‘46
Thomas E. Kendall S ‘46
Donald & Barbara Vatcher S ‘46
Diane Falconer Cunningham S ‘47
Ajor-Helyn Joree Johnson S ‘47
Joan Leib Marks S ‘47
Lloyd Morrisett S ‘47
Audrey V. Peterson S ‘47
Donald E. Landon W ‘47
Rodger (S ‘47) & Nancy (S ‘48) Karrenbrock
Bea J. Carpenter S ‘48
Nancy Baron Garcia S ‘48
John H. Kendall S ‘48
Gerrit Ohl S ‘48
Louis Robin S ‘48
Mary Bretthauer Gerpheide S ‘49
Annette Lewis Herbst-Orton S ‘49
Marjorie Redman Downie W ‘49
Ivan L. Finkle S ‘50
Alan Irwin Indictor S ‘50
Jeanne Marie Fawn Lukasik S ‘50
Ray E Manning S ‘50
Georgia Coblentz Matheney S ‘50
Lenette de Lamare Ogulnick S ‘50
Janet Sellman Scarrow S ‘50
John P. Schaefer S ‘50
Janice Fendler Bove W ‘50
Joe F. Corona W ‘50
B. D. “Buddy” Fischer W ‘50
John L. Petty W ‘50
Mary Lou Wickersham Angle S ‘51
Suzonne Blumberg Bass S ‘51
Violet Cassell Jurgenson S ‘51
Shirley Hargrave McKinney S ‘51
Marvin E. Tanner S ‘51
Ronald H. Ehl W ‘51
John J. Peterson W ‘51
Barbara McDermott Weymann W ‘51
Marilyn J. Gunther S ‘52
Joan Benson Hunt S ‘52
Selma Shanks Kahl S ‘52
Jerry Lawrence S ‘52
Natalie Fischer Rosentswieg S ‘52
Herb Steege S ‘52
Frederick L. Hines W ‘52
Robert Carrillo S ‘53
Stuart A. Davis S ‘53
John & Kazuko Ige S ‘53
Robert Jones S ‘53
Audri Levitt Tendler S ‘53
Ruth Lello Tessier S ‘53
Peggy Sloan Whitmer S ‘53
J.W. (S ‘53) and Susie (W ‘56) Colin
Joanna Tanner Ballard W ‘53
Ronald Coons S ‘54
Clara Emlen S ‘54
Rudolf Koester W ‘54
Charles Lichter S ‘54
Dennis Aigner S ‘55
William Davidson S ‘55
John P. Fleischer S ‘55
Dave Freeman S ‘55
Norman Gausman S ‘55
Joseph L. Green W ‘55
Lloyd Hurst Jr. W ‘55
Suzie M. Keels W ‘55
Peter (S ‘55) and Diane (S ‘56) Peck
Marsha Cohen S ‘56
Philip Flanders S ‘56
Adrienne Simon Forst S ‘56
Richard L. Greene S ‘56
Virginia Valentine Hall S ‘56
Barbara Sherwin Kabot S ‘56
Karen Stelzer Shechtman S ‘56
Roger A. Wagner S ‘56
Donald Bolke S ‘57
Judy Jones Cardwell S ‘57
Ellen Lichtenberg Frost S ‘57
Penny Hussey Hutchinson S ‘57
Joyce Scheffel Jacob S ‘57
Wallace D. Rickards S ‘57
Lionel Traubman S ‘57
David Ullman S ‘57
Joyce Shanks Cates W ‘57
Marlene E. Fischer W ‘57
Fay Bris Carston S ‘58
Nancy Stearns Forgrave S ‘58
John Hellestoe S ‘58
Linda Alexander Kiple S ‘58
Walter and Silvia La May S ‘58
Carolyn Downey Schanberger S ‘58
Carole Chillberg Herrera W ‘58
Yoko Kurokawa Tomita W ‘58
Martin Blank Jr. S ‘59
Annette Cabot Bradley S ‘59
Linda Levitt Janger S ‘59
Lynn Roseman Ostrick S ‘59
Lawrence Tistaert S ‘59
Nancy Barney Reck W ‘59
Erica Freiberg S ‘60
Jeanine Wagner Herman S ‘60
James C. Miller S ‘60
Michael Rothschild S ‘60
Clella Goodson Schneider S ‘60
Stephen L. Sweetland S ‘60
Roger Ehrlich S ‘61
Philip H. Heintz S ‘61
Jeff Kroot S ‘61
Gordon Millman S ‘61
Jean Aigner W ‘61
William Krauch W ‘61
Darryl Kulwin W ‘61
Sally Lagerson W ‘61
Barbara Kohn Matthews W ‘61
Robert Rothenberg W ‘61
Rothvin Bosle S ‘62
Steven and Bonnie Freer S ‘62
Nikki H. Harmon S ‘62
James Jolly S ‘62
John Vallance S ‘62
Lorna Graham Byrne W ‘62
Diane Roseman Cherniss S ‘63
Steven J. Gould S ‘63
Jeffrey C. Slade S ‘63
Ronald S. Javor W ‘63
William Beck S ‘64
Robert Stanley S ‘64
Jeffrey Freiberg W ‘64
Steve Manildi W ‘64
Marc Rosen W ‘64
Bret Davenport S ‘65
Faustino Livas, Jr. S ‘65
Steven Matusow S ‘65
Carol Cherman S ‘66
Madge Stein Woods S ‘66
Diane Adler Feldon W ‘66
Melinda Tonks Brown S ‘67
JoAnn Derbenti S ‘67
Daphne Ezralow Noily S ‘67
Penny Stoner Barnes S ‘68
Kathie Brown Marion S ‘68
Ron Silver S ‘68
Joel Singer W ‘69
Suzanne Rubel ‘70
Richard Satnick ‘71
Stevan Paul Dumas, DDS ‘72
Alan Hostrup ‘72
Jack Smith ‘72
Robert Ades ‘74
Scott Harris ‘74
Nancy Kagawa ‘74
Roosevelt Robinson III ‘74
James Rothman ‘74
Jan A. Scopatz ‘75
Bonnie Geller Aylesworth ‘76
Jeffrey Deckman ‘76
Laurie Shkolnick Denning ‘76
Jeffrey and Reina Schaffer ‘76
Jose (‘77) & Martha (‘76) Santana
Behzad Kermani ‘77
Louise Anne McNutt ‘77
Francisco Campos ‘78
Richard (‘78) & Lori Smalley (‘81) Schwartz
Michael L. Alcalay ‘80
Gwen Fitzgerald-Barlow ‘81
Natanel Isaac ‘83
Roger Schrag ‘83
Lynne K. Wehmuelle ‘83
Mark (‘83) & Traci (‘85) Fink-Feldman
David J. Edelsohn ‘84
Tamar Hecker Asken ‘86
Gregory Brenner ‘86
Scott Butler ‘86
James Doran ‘86
Dana Jacobs ‘86
Soheil Rabbani ‘86
Heriberto Reynoso ‘86
Brian Roberts ‘86
Gingi Rochelle ‘86
Brian Skyers ‘86
Gabriel Jerome Solomon ‘86
Deseree (Wright) Wynne ‘86
Paul Soroudi ‘87
Janet Siegel Brown ‘88
Ken N. Schwartz ‘89
Michael Green ‘91
Uni supporters who were not alumni:
Randy and Jennifer Awni
Lawrence Booth
Robert Field
Jay and Maria Manning
Judy Wolfenstein
Thank you.
Any amount is helpful; find out how to donate directly to the Foundation by clicking here!